Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Teach for America

Today I found out that I will be Teaching for America--in Kansas City, MO! I've had several people call and text me about the news, responding as though I'd stuttered when I told them the location. I even had one person ask me if I was sure they'd placed me in the correct region.

Turns out, I actually listed KCMO as one of my first preferences. I've been following IHOP-KC ever since my freshman year of college and have always felt that I was supposed to spend time there. For awhile last year, I even felt that perhaps God was calling me to go to Bible school there. So while yes, it is in the dreary midwest, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that it is where God wants me to be.

I thought it a bit strange that with the shortage of science and math teachers in the US, and (soon-to-be) holding a degree in one of the sciences, that I was placed teaching elementary education. Again, I know that it's where God wants me to be.

It's all still a little difficult to digest; I've lived in California for the past ten years of my life. The longest I've been away from home for more than 100 miles hovers somewhere around 4 days. And in a few short months, God-willing, I will be moving some 1600 miles away for 2 whole years.

I'm excited for what's to come! And I also have lots of prepping to do!

And how appropriate that my Bible Memory Verse for the week is Proverbs 3:5-6:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths."

I've heard this verse so many times since my childhood, but it really spoke to me this week as I waited to hear the outcome and is continuing to speak to me now that I know the outcome. What a wonderful promise from the Lord that "...he will make straight [our] paths."

Help me O Lord to trust you with all of my heart, to not lean on my own understanding, and to acknowledge You in all my ways.

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